how to access google cloud using third part ssh tools like putty
we can access cloud engine's virtual machine (VM) using third party SSH tools like - MobaX , Putty ,GIT CUI etc .
follow these steps -
step1 - install PUTTYGEN for creating private and public key
step2 - Generate key using PuttyGen - (enter username in key comment textbox ). & save both keys in local system
step3 - copy public key from puttygen and paste it in Google Cloud Instance i.e -
open cloud VM > click on edit option > SSH Key Section (click on show and edit option ) > Paste your public Key on it . > and save
Step4 - close PuttyGen
step5 - copy your external ip from Google Cloud VM Details
step6 - open Putty ( you can use any third party SSH Tools )
step7 - Paste external ip in the place of HostName or Ip Address field and goto SSH > Auth ( and upload private Key here ) and click on open Button
step 8 -enter user name and login sucessfully...
you can alse generate Password for SSH login -
step 9 - for that write some commonds-
ssh su--
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
goto passwordauthentication and turn it NO into YES
service sshd restart
Now you are able to create user and password using commond -
adduser "username"
create password and you can also login through userid and password from any SSH tools.
usermod -aG sudo "user" # As root, run this command to add your new user to the sudo group
step10 - open SSH tool like gitBase and run commond
ssh "username"@"host_ip"
enter password
Now you are login susscessfully turn yourself into root using
sudo su --
sudo -i
step11 - Done (ThankYou)
for that we follow the given video -
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