python vs c++ vs java conversation

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Python: I am the smallest.

Java: But I am the fastest.

C++: Haha..

Python: People like me. They don’t need to remember much. You are a headache for them. A simple ‘Hello World’ code for you takes a lot of time to write. It takes just some seconds in me.

Java: You don’t have good multi-threading facility. Do you? And you C++, almost every programmer knows how to use you but it doesn’t mean you are the best. Give me one example where you are better than me.

C++: Multiple Inheritance.

Java: Ha..

C++: What is there to laugh?

Java: Just remembered how stupid it is to use pointers while using you which can easily be used by hackers. Try me for better security.

Python: I too don’t have pointers.

C++: Does that mean I am useless? People are still fond of me as they were twenty years ago.

Java: You are useless in terms of portability. You needed to be compiled every time. We can be run anytime, anywhere.
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Python: That’s like my friend Java.

C++: Shut up Python. You are just a baby yet. Don’t forget Java, you are derived from me.

Java: Whatever. You were ill and that is why people started using me.

Python: Can you guys do this? Arithmetic operations on integers without even initializing a variable.

Java: You proved you are slow python. We reached a lot ahead of that topic in our conversation.

C++: I am everywhere.

Java: That is my line. You aren’t in Android.
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C++: I am there too my son. Remember NDK?

Python: Ahah.

Java: What?

Python: I didn’t speak since long. Was just letting you know I am still here.

Java: I am mature. I can do anything. So I’ll stop this conversation battle.

C++: Which battle?

Java: Everyone of us is useful in one or the other way. I am widely used for Android, Python for reducing the length of the code and C++ is used when large scale programming is required. But still, I am the best.

Python: You forgot one thing Java. I am the most versatile language and one of the most trending in the world. And C++, I am not a baby.

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Every programming language is best in its own ways. Embedded systems require knowledge of C++ while Android is for Java. All languages perform best in the circumstances for which they are made for. If I had to choose the winner among these three, its going to be Python.


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