
Showing posts from July, 2020

About Tethering

What is Tethering and how does tethering work? Lots of people are not familiar with tethering , its advantage or disadvantage, so I thought I would provide some information about that. Tethering is using your phone or other data enabled device as a modem or router so that you can access the internet with devices that aren’t able to .like- desktop with no internet. #cost of tethering? The cost of tethering is (technically) free, but that’s only if you don’t get caught. Many carriers don’t like tethering because you’re using the internet on a device that you’re not paying to access the internet on, which goes against the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed your contract. That said, if you’re not downloading absurd amounts of data all of a sudden then the carriers won’t be any wiser to what you’re doing. #advantagess to Tethering: can get internet access in areas where you wouldn’t otherwise because of the device you’re going to use. Maybe you need to download or ...

How to become a successful software developer

                          " PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE " When I'm saying "Practice", what does it mean? I would say: Practice is  a habit. Practice is  a routine. Practice  does not need to remember. Practice  comes by practicing. Practice  needs dedication and commitment. There are thousands of examples which you think about practice. I can list few for your understanding. SHOOTING, DRIVING, WRITING Any of the above listed skills comes from practice. When initially you start driving, you need to remember each step and you think twice before taking any action, but once you "have good practice" of driving, then you do not need to remember any step. It becomes your habit and routine, for example, your feet goes automatically at brake if you see a red light but definitely it comes from practising a lot and needs a lot of dedication and commitment. One of the most important attributes of prac...

Keep Reading Existing Software's Source Code

Let me ask you few basic questions before we start with one of the most important best practices required for a software developer. Do you read movie magazines? Do you read newspapers? Do you read roadside advertisements? Do you read junk written here and there? Do you just read….? Definitely your answer will be positive but if I ask you one more question in the series: DO YOU READ SOFTWARE SOURCE CODE? Only few software developers will have positive answer because reading and understanding an existing software source code is the most boring task . If you are one of them who feels reading software source code is a boring task, then you are missing one of the most important best practices , which a software developer should have in his/her life. If you want to become a novelist, can you just start writing novels? I would say 100% no!!, you definitely need to read hundreds of novels before you start writing GOOD novels. If you want to become a movie script writer, can you start...

python vs c++ vs java conversation

Python: I am the smallest. Java: But I am the fastest. C++: Haha.. Python: People like me. They don’t need to remember much. You are a headache for them. A simple ‘Hello World’ code for you takes a lot of time to write. It takes just some seconds in me. Java: You don’t have good multi-threading facility. Do you? And you C++, almost every programmer knows how to use you but it doesn’t mean you are the best. Give me one example where you are better than me. C++: Multiple Inheritance. Java: Ha.. C++: What is there to laugh? Java: Just remembered how stupid it is to use pointers while using you which can easily be used by hackers. Try me for better security. Python: I too don’t have pointers. C++: Does that mean I am useless? People are still fond of me as they were twenty years ago. Java: You are useless in terms of portability. You needed to be compiled every time. We can be run anytime, anywhere. Python: That’s like my friend Java. C++: Shut up Python. You are just a baby yet. Don’t for...

MySql Configuration

MySQL CONNANDS :- ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'PASSWARD';      //for getting permission for remote access sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf sudo ufw allow 3306/tcp sudo service ufw restart  sudo service mysql restart sudo mysql select user, authentication_string, plugin, host from mysql.user; control+c for exit  

Flask Configuration

FLASK COMMANDS sudo apt install python3-pip pip3 install virtualenv  source venv/bin/activate files location -cd /var/www/

Docker Configuration

DOCKER INSTALLION PROCESS  step1- sudo apt-get update step2- sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine step3- sudo apt install Step 4: Start and Automate Docker The Docker service needs to be setup to run at startup. To do so, type in each command followed by enter: sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker

Git commands

Command line instructions You can also upload existing files from your computer using the instructions below. Git global setup git config --global "AKSoniWorld" git config --global "" Create a new repository git clone cd delivery touch git add git commit -m "add README" git push -u origin master Push an existing folder cd existing_folder git init git remote add origin git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master Push an existing Git repository cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags SOME GIT COMMANDS :- git status //checking status git stash //push as stack  git checkout master// Switched to branch 'mas...

Nginx commands

NGINX COMMONDS  sudo apt update sudo apt install nginx // INSTALL NGINX SERVER Step 2 – Adjusting the Firewall sudo ufw app list Output Available applications: Nginx Full Nginx HTTP Nginx HTTPS OpenSSH sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP' sudo ufw status        cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/FlaskApp.conf / sudo nginx -t service nginx configtest sudo systemctl status nginx.service      //CHECK STATUS OF NGINX sudo systemctl restart nginx      //RESTART NGINX sudo apt-get purge nginx nginx-common      //REMOVE NGINX WITH ALL DEPEDENCY sudo apt-get autoremove      // REMOVE COMPLETELY

Django basic commands

           DJANJO COMMAND ( install python first )  (linux code) //commented code is for window and rest python commonds are common for both #. pip3 install pipenv                  //py -m pip install --upgrade pip #. pipenv shell           OR // python -m pip install django #. pip3 install virtualenv       #. virtualenv venv // python -m venv venv  #. source venv/bin/activate // venv\Scripts\activate // & c:/Users/user/Desktop/myproject/venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1 #. pip3 freeze > requirements.txt #. pip3 install -r requirements.txt  #. django-admin startproject myproject #. python startapp myapp #. pip3 install django-configurations #. pip3 install migrations #. python3 showmigrations //use python in place of python3 for window #. python3 makemigrations myapp #. python3 migrate #. python3 m...

Basic Linux commands

ls       // list of directory pwd        // current directory cd       // change directory cd ..        // back to previous directory rm -d file_name      //delete directory

About KriyaNiti

Welcome to the KriyaNiti Group. We are learners and we make learners. We are very passionate about simplifying complex task... Here we provide basic and needy scripts... for learning purpose..... Thankyou for joining us @KriyaNiti